Blue Frontier wears red
On Friday 9th June, the Blue Frontier team delved into the depths of their wardrobes to retrieve a red garment to wear for Wear It Beat It, a day dedicated to raising both awareness and funds to help support the amazing work The British Heart Foundation does.
We even had a cake sale (RED velvet cake) which not only helped raise donations but also went down well with the team – not a crumb left in sight by the end of the day!

Why the money we raised is so important
‘Every 3 minutes, someone in the UK is struck by a heart attack.
Around 30% of heart attacks are fatal.’
The money we raised and any other donations made to The British Heart Foundation, help fund the UK’s top researchers.
Want to get involved?
Why don’t you run a fundraising event in your office or community to help support this great cause?
You could start planning your event for next year’s Wear It Beat It day (follow the link below to find out more).
You don't even have to wait until next year; why not start planning an event for next month! The British Heart Foundation always welcomes donations and there are plenty of resources online to help inspire your event.