Go! Southampton has just launched a brand new website, visitsouthampton.co.uk, for visitors to the city which aims to showcase everything great about Southampton.
Visitors can use the website as a source for useful information, including details on the best places to eat, shop and explore. Home to a top 20 UK University, the UK’s number one vehicle port and with over 33,000 people employed here, there certainly is a lot going on in the South Coast's top city.
Getting involved in the city
Blue Frontier work closely with Go! Southampton to provide local businesses with free digital marketing workshops once a month, so some of the team were invited along to the event where the new and free 'So What?' Magazine was also launched.
As a relatively new resident in the city, having opened our office in the White Building in September, it was a brilliant opportunity for us to get involved with our local community and businesses in Southampton. We are always eager to get to know likeminded people and support the progress of initiatives such as VisitSouthampton and 'So What?'.

VisitSouthampton.co.uk aims to inspire
The brand new and information-rich website aims to inspire visitors, tourists and cruise passengers to get out and about in our great city and explore its hidden treasures, as well as encouraging residents to head out and enjoy their local surroundings too. BID Chief Executive, Giles Semper said ‘We hope the new website will be used both by visitors and by residents to explore new places they haven’t perhaps heard about or thought of trying before.’
There are also plans in the pipeline for local people to contribute to the website and put forward ideas for a ‘locals love’ feature where people will share their recommendations for the top places in town to visit.
So What? Southampton’s new free magazine
The event hosted at the Guildhall also saw the launch of a brand new free magazine, 'So What?', which is aimed at locals with the intention to unearth hidden gems across Southampton for readers to discover. Covering topics more tailored to those who live in the city and the surrounding area, the magazine has been a collaboration between Southampton BID, Solent University Students and Solent Creatives, the magazine will include everything from things to see and do, eat and drink, health and beauty, fashion, history and culture.
Keeping an eye on the local news
It was great to be involved with other businesses and the wider community for the evening and to find out what is happening on our doorstep. We will be looking to build up our relationships up with our neighbours and be of assistance to anyone who is seeking web design, development, hosting and optimisation.
One thing is for sure, the Southampton based Blue Frontier team will be keeping tabs on the new website, looking out for all the latest developments and events throughout the city, especially all things Food and Drink as we continue our quest to try and sample every local bar and food outlet!